Smart Buildings solutions

IoT Indoor Air Quality Solution

 Indoor air quality (IAQ) solution refers to monitoring the environmental characteristics inside buildings that may affect human health, comfort, or work performance. It allows monitoring in real-time the concentration of CO2 to create a safer and healthier indoor environment, protect employees, workers or students, and meet air quality regulations levels.​

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HVAC Control Solution

Every smart building requires the perfect flow of air to deliver the optimal indoor environment and the highest energy efficiency. Our advanced HVAC control solution is designed to revolutionize the way building experts manage their heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems. With a focus on enhancing occupant comfort and maximizing energy efficiency, our cutting-edge technology offers a comprehensive suite of features to meet the unique needs of any commercial or residential space.

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Energy Saver - The Solution for your Energy Consumption Monitoring

Make this sentence crystal clear: The Energy Optimization and Savings solution kit is a technique and technology dedicated to energy efficiency. It is used to determine the existing energy spending on in-service equipment through the identification of energy patterns to prevent costly operational energy spending.

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IoT Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Kit

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solution is focused on creating safer and healthier indoor environments, protecting students, and workers, and meeting air quality regulations levels through means of controlling and monitoring CO2 levels and people’s presence.

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Energy management solution

Optimize energy consumption to reduce your costs and your impact on the planet.

This solutions helps facility managers to monitor energy consumption on office buildings or industrial facilities, identify optimization opportunities, and keep track of reduction objectives.

Combining Opinum Advanced analytics application together with Adeunis pulse and Modbus sensors on your ThingPark powered LoRaWAN infrastructure, ensures energy savings are realized through enhanced visibility. Data visibility drives appropriate energy saving actions, thereby achieving organizational objectives.

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Indoor Cold Chain Monitoring & Building Management Solution​

The building management monitoring solution is used to help the building management and logistics managers to monitor multiple spaces and operations simultaneously and drive new insights thanks to the data provided by our smart sensors. This solution offers a wide range of automation opportunities, improving savings on energy spending of your building, and preventing risks for your equipment. This, in turn, will optimize results, increasing revenue for your organization.

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Workspace Management Starter Kit

The IoT Workspace Management solution is used to help management unites from all sectors to monitor multiple operations simultaneously, and drive new insights thanks to the data provided by our smart sensors. This solution, offers a wide range of automation opportunities, improving the productivity of the entire team, reducing operational spending and optimizing business outcomes.

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Office Space Optimization Evaluation Kit​

The IoT Office Space Optimization Evaluation Kit is the perfect solution for office operators and facility managers that want to anticipate office occupation and optimize office resources. This solution is also an excellent asset for tenant experience that want to provide flexible offices.

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Presence Detection & Environmental Monitoring Evaluation Kit​

The presence detection kit is an ideal solution to detect people’s presence in your office or retail space and with this information at hand, you can better allocate your resources, optimize staffing, reduce costs, monitor your indoor climate, monitor room and desk occupancy, movement, and more.

Providing the required hardware and software to assess an indoor smart building presence and environmental monitoring solution with a cable-free battery-operated sensor.

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Smart Building Kit​

From hardware to software, Smart Building Kit provides products and services covered with comprehensive plans for your buildings. Monitoring and management of indoor air quality, water leakage, and security are all based on IoT which holds great potential for visibility and efficiency via a combination of data-driven processes.

With the help of this kit, you transform your working environment into a smart, interconnected, and comfortable space. It tells whether the indoor air quality is at risk for health concerns, and when a preset comfort indicator reaches a certain threshold, the HVAC system can be automatically turned on or off via a simple wireless IoT Controller. Furthermore, there is no need anymore to worry about sudden water leakage resulting in the loss of your expensive assets. Building management is at your fingertips using simplified technology!

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Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Starter Kit

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring Solution is focused on creating safer and healthier indoor environments, protecting students, workers and meeting air quality regulations levels through means of controlling and monitoring CO2 levels and people’s presence.

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DLMS Golden certification environment - Testbed pack for DLMS:COSEM certification over SCHC and LoRaWAN protocol

This kit is designed for DLMS/COSEM smart meter vendor experts to validate their end-to-end configurations and eliminate any LoRaWAN or SCHC-related errors prior to formal certification by a DLMS User Association accredited lab. The kit facilitates comprehensive testing by utilizing the DLMS UA Certification Test Tool (CTT), which is a specialized software installed on a dedicated PC within the organizational network. This setup ensures the CTT can effectively communicate with the device under test (DUT) via IPv6, allowing for precise and controlled certification testing.

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